I’ve spent the last five nights sleeping high – between 6,500 and 9,500ft – to try and get used to the altitude as best as possible. I’ll continue to do the same until race day on Saturday. The first 30 miles of the race has an average altitude of 7,000ft, so sleeping at a similar height will help my body get used to the reduced levels of oxygen so I can hopefully run more efficiently during the race.

Temperatures; well the race-day forecast for Auburn, the town where the race finishes, is mid-90s so it’s looking like being slightly above average in terms of temperature. Not a super-hot year, but not the cool year I had perhaps hoped for. In the high country early on the temperatures should be cooler, particularly with the early morning start, but in the canyons which I will be tackling during the middle part of the day it will really heat up. Temperatures have hit well over 100 in previous years – smokin’!
The heat is probably my greatest concern going into the race. I know I can run the distance at a decent pace, I know I can deal with the altitude and the terrain is fine. But running in the heat is not something a runner from the UK usually gets much practice at, so I will need to be smart about my nutrition and drinking to keep things on track. I’ve had some decent training in the heat this year and i’ve got a nutrition/ drinks strategy mapped out in my head, I just need to make sure my head doesn’t get fried and I forget to stick to it!
So final preparations are in hand, i’m looking forward to Western States race experience more than anything. Not long to go now.......

I hope you can cope with the temperature.
We will try to follow you online and cheer you on. Not sure if you can hear us though ;-)
Good luck!
Good luck Jez. I hope you have a great run, and I'll await with interest your post race report!
Good luck Jez, I'll keep an eye on your progress through the site, best wishes.
Jez, all the best. We are all rooting for you. Ian
Superb view and scenery you lucky fella. All the very best of British.
Good Luck bro, Mum and I will be cheering you on from The Gables!
One piece of advice- Watch out for any flat rattlers, they may just be breathing in! :)
We're all very proud of you
here in alberta canada watching the live link..you seem to be going well at 70miles..as a ultra runner from coventry now living in alberta it was good to see a uk runner doing so well..good luck and well done...
ex kenilworth runner
martin c....
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