I stumbled accross this photo of Mark Hartell and me at the Foresthill aid station during Western States this year which I found quite amusing. I was in the process of changing tops, but that usually straight forward exercise proved tricky at the time, partly because I was feeling dazed (and fried), but also because I had a recently replenished cap full of ice which I didn't wasn't to lose. So Mark kindly helped me out.
I thought I would invite captions to go with the photo for a bit of fun. Please feel free to post your captions - there will be a prize for the funniest one!
Dude, this is California, you cant just stuff a cap on your head any old way. Get it straight, get those teeth whitened, put some oil on those tanned biceps and SSMMIILLEE for your fans!!
'Jez, stand very still. My God! You appear to have a miniature penis growing from your forehead! I can only imagine that over the years it'll become a fully formed manhood!!' 'But that's terrible, Mark! I'll have to wear this cap forever to hide it!' 'No you won't, Jez. You won't be able to see it.' 'How's that, Mark?' 'Cos your testicles will be hanging in front of your eyes, now stop worrying and get running!'
The secret is out. Jez and Mark swap heads for the last 10miles in order to catch 3rd place runner!
Jez, Take that hat off your head, you look like a golfer!
The well known Siamese twin ultra runners might have been used to sharing an arm, but sharing a cap was no joke when the weather got really hot.
Take your cap off Jez so I can give you a good slap on the head, riiiggghhtt there slaaapppp.
'ice to see you Jez! - pacepusher
Mark: "I know it doesn't fit and I know it doesn't match the colour of your vest; but stop blubbering and throwing your bl**dy toys out the pram about it. Just get out there and kick ass!"
"Trust me, slip this under your cap. Gila Monsters can knock minutes off your time"
"That's it jez now that you swapped your bowler hat for this disguise you look like a proper yank now, so there's no way they will get upset when you spank their sorry slow arses!! run jez run like the wind..."
Move over old boy, the cap's on me now!
Who says there are no ice-capped peaks in California?
Debs :-)
Just wear the damn cap boy! Everyone knows bears are afraid of blue things.
Get off - it's my turn now!
Mark: "No No No you dont wear the hat like that over here in the USA son!. You got to switch it back to front and wear it like a "Rude Boy" if you want respect!"
'... no, i'm sure its a Right Hand thread'
"... no, no seriously Jez, your head doesn't look big in it."
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